(01) 2007 |
Last month I made some suggestions on backing up your data. Here are is a suggested schedule from Peter Reber that could save your bacon in an emergency. We are assuming that you have a network with more than one computer and that you have installed a removable hard drive that can be taken away from the premises. These drives have reduced in price considerably and are really easy to install - a 200 Gigabyte USB drive can cost under R1000.00 and just plugs into a USB port and a 220 volt power supply. Use the FIBS programme
(or some other Firebird backup programme) that I mentioned last month. Set another schedule on FIBS to do a backup at, say, 6.00 pm (after everyone has stopped working) This backup should perform a "garbage collection". About one month's worth of this backup should be retained. If you are worried
about the amount of disk space needed for all of these backups or
that you will have to delete older backups, realise that the FIBS
backup will perform a 2-stage process: Use Windows®
Scheduler to run a batch file that will make a daily copy of the backup
folder on the removable drive. This drive should be taken off the
premises each day. Any queries? E-mail
me here. To see other newsletters go HERE